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(LED) Light Metrology

Spectrometers – goniometers – colorimeters

Onze lichtmeetapparatuur is helemaal gericht op het meten van de lichteigenschappen en licht-verdeling van (LED-)lampen. Wij leveren hiervoor de snelste en gebruikersvriendelijkste UV-VIS-NIR spectrometers, colorimetrische camera’s, integrating sphere systemen en farfield goniometer systemen. De gonio- en sphere metingen en analyses zijn uiteraard conform de geldende standaarden zoals S025, S026, LM-82, LM79 en TM30.

Which equipment will you use to measure?

Our technical specialists know everything on product and application. They are happy to help you with choosing which light measuring equipment is best for your application. For that you can always trust on an optimal price-quality guarantee.

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Laser2000 is a high-tech distributor and expert partner in photonics / opto-electronics. Trust our years of experience. What can we help you with?

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